Here are some non-commercial projects that I have been involved. For now, they all are in Portuguese.
New Projects
- Adaplib: a library to execute adaptive automata in Java.
- Experimental Software Engineering: experiments I’ve conducted.
- EMUCase: an Eclipse plug-in that transforms an Enterprise model into a Use case model.
- “Applet de Jogo de Pôquer”: a web GUI for a poker game that students of the Objet-Oriented Programming course have to develop.
- “Interface de Jogo de Truco”: a GUI for a game that students of the Objet-Oriented Programming course have to develop.
Old Projects (developed with some friends)
- “Face 3D”: a Java applet that emulates facial expressions in a 3D face.
- “Cálculo de Treliças”: a Java applet that calculates the forces involved in a truss.
- “Transformação de autômato”: a Java software that transforms a non-deterministic finite state automata into a deterministic finite state automata.
- “Autômato de pilha”: a simple pushdown automata in Java.