As part of a research idea, I’m now creating a language to write Use Cases, using Xtext. It is also a good opportunity to analyze more deeply this framework for building textual DSLs in Eclipse.
But this is not why I’m writing this post. After I wrote the language specification, I wanted to create some tests. I followed the very brief tutorial and wrote a simple test. However, It didn’t work. The failure trace in JUnit always presented an error:
org.eclipse.xtext.parser.ParseException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unresolved proxy sure the EPackage has been registered.
at org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AbstractAntlrParser.doParse(
(I changed the name of my Ecore file and element.)
As I added a plug-in for the EMF model – including the Ecore – in the Eclipse plugin folder, I didn’t expect to see this message. I tried several solutions to “register” the ePackage, for instance, changing the Project settings, adding the Ecore file in the project, changing the configuration that launches the JUnit test, etc. I finally gave up and registered manually the metamodel programmatically in the test (based on this faq). Here is the example:
@InjectWith(MyLanguageInjectorProvider) @RunWith(XtextRunner) class SubjectTest { @Inject ParseHelper<EntryElement> parser @Test def void parseDomainmodel() { MyModelPackage.eINSTANCE.eClass() val model = parser.parse( "element Teste;" ) assertEquals(, "Teste") } }
Where MyLanguage is the name of my language and MyModel is the name of my Ecore model. This finally made it work… But I still don’t know why this message appears.
Now I’ll try to use the plug-in xtext-utils for unit testing. Hopefully it will not need this form of registration.